Rivers of ice
Saint Elias National Park, Alaska

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We decided since we have nothing better to do with all the daylight god has graciously given us on this 17th of Tamuz fast we should take the opportunity to knock off some of the driving we have to do. So we drove until eventually we ran out of road and ended up in McCarthy a little abandoned mining town that has been transformed into an off the bitten path tourist town. It is a little like Fire Island on steroids. Nested high in the Saint Elias mountain range between a cliff and a glacier it is only accessible by a 60 mile dirt road though no cars are allowed inside the city which is full of old late 1800s mining houses, factories, and salons. The true attraction though is the ice. Glaciers are the masters of this land. Everywhere you look you see blue cliffs of ice cascading down a mountain or through a fjord.

We are heading down towards the Kenai peninsula to see yet more ice.

downtown McCarthy